Classes, Events & Programs Available

HC DrugFree provides educational programs and resources throughout the Howard County community in collaboration with PTSAs/PTAs, schools, Howard County Government, Health Department and other agencies.

Click here to view programs and events on our calendar.


  • Parenting Classes – For parents, guardians, and grandparents of children ages 9-14. If your child is younger/older, please register and we will get back to you. Learn skills to help reduce the likelihood that your child will use drugs and alcohol.

  • Life Skills Classes for Students – For students in grades 6-9. If your child is younger/older, please register and we will get back to you. Students learn skills to promote positive health and personal development. (July 2024 registration is OPEN)
Life Skills for Students


  • Medication and Sharps Disposal – Held every spring and fall to assist our community with proper disposal of prescription and over-the-counter medications, vitamins, veterinary medications, sharps, vape devices, inhalers, and more!
Medication & Sharps Disposal


  • Senior Week: Staying Safe in Ocean City – For graduating high school seniors and their parents/guardians to prepare them Senior Week in Ocean City, MD.

  • Town Hall Series – This virtual series provides an opportunity for community members to hear from professionals on a variety of topics, from mental health issues to substance misuse concerns.

  • Teen Advisory Council – Howard County high school students who meet monthly during the school year to discuss teen use of alcohol and other drugs, and to develop educational messages that promote HC DrugFree’s vision of a county where teens are drug-free by choice.

  • Educational Programs for Youth and Adults – HC DrugFree is dedicated to keeping Howard County informed, which is why we are happy and eager to attend your next community event, school assembly, or health fair.
  • Services offered:
    • Event Speakers
    • Resource Tables
    • Educational Videos, Pamphlets, and Other Materials
  • Topics include:
    • Substance Use/Misuse
    • Alcohol
    • Electronic Smoking Devices/Vapes
    • Prescription & Over-the-Counter Medication
    • Marijuana
    • Overdoses/Fentanyl
    • Behavioral Health
    • Mental Health
    • Medication Storage & Disposal
    • Senior Week/Beach Safety
    • And more!
Senior Week: Staying Safe in Ocean City
Educational Programs for Youth and Adults

Community Service Hours are available for student volunteers and participants.

Click here to view programs and events on our calendar