Film Festival

HC DrugFree is pleased to partner with the 2015 HoCo Film Festival. Specifically, we are looking for film-savvy teens to create Public Service Announcements (PSAs) that focus on either “Marijuana Effects on Adolescents” or “Keeping Youth Safe at Concerts”. 

Guidelines for HC DrugFree’s PSAs

Intended Use of Winning Film: If the film is appropriate, the winner (and possibly several other entries) will run as Public Service Announcements (PSAs) on HC DrugFree’s website, at HC DrugFree programs across Howard County, in local media, and in other ways determined appropriate by HC DrugFree. To download the guidelines, please click here. To download a flier, please click here.

Deadline for Films: Friday, February 27, 2015

Drop Dead Deadline: Monday, March 2, 2015

Options for submission:

1.     Send your film on a DVD to: HoCo FilmFest at Reservoir High School c/o Binki McKenna. 

2.     Drop off your film on a DVD or send it to: 
HoCo FilmFest 
c/o Binki McKenna 
Reservoir High School 
11550 Scaggsville Road 
Fulton, MD 20759 

3.     As a last resort, you may give your film to either your Media Specialist or your G/T Resource teacher to give it to Binki McKenna, G/T Resource teacher at Reservoir High School. 

Additional Guidelines:

1.     Must be a high school student and live in Howard County

2.    Must be student directed, produced, and edited

3.    Film suggested length: 30 seconds to 1:30 minutes

4.    Must be an original concept or idea

5.    Must be appropriate for family viewing (limited sexuality, language, and violence)

6.    Languages suggested: English or Spanish

7.    Target audience: Middle school and high school students and their parents

8.    Specific topics of interest: marijuana effects on adolescents, or keeping youth safe at concerts

9.    All film makers entering the HC DrugFree PSA Category must agree to allow HC DrugFree to use all films as Public Service Announcements or promotional materials or in any way HC DrugFree feels is appropriate, at no cost to HC DrugFree. 

10. For more information, visit the HoCo FilmFest website.

 Prize: $100 Gift Card

Winner will be announced on March 20, 2015 at the 2015 HoCo Film Festival at 7:30 PM at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab (APL).

HC DrugFree is committed to keeping youth drug and alcohol free. We are proud partners with the Howard County Public School System, the PTA Council of Howard County, the Howard County Health Department, the Howard County Police Department, the Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services, and the Howard County Library system. 

For more information about use of PSAs, please contact Joan Webb Scornaienchi, Executive Director of HC DrugFree at 443-325-0040 or

See the winners from last year!