HC DrugFree

Free Classes for Parents/Guardians & Grandparents

Guiding Good Choices FREE Parenting Classes

Register to attend our Spring 2025 Guiding Good Choices® classes for parents, guardians and grandparents. Series will run (Tuesdays and Fridays): March 18, 21, 25, 28 and April 1 from noon to 1:30 p.m. on Zoom.

Raising preteens and teens is tough. Wouldn’t it be great if adults could take a class that taught us how to help our kids avoid risky behaviors, all while learning how to say NO to drugs and alcohol? There is!

Guiding Good Choices® is an evidence-based, interactive prevention program that helps you build a stronger bond with your child, while also providing skills proven to reduce the risk of children engaging in substance use or other risky behaviors.

Learn how to:
• Prevent Drug Use in Your Family
• Develop Healthy Beliefs and Clear Standards
• Avoid Trouble and Respond to Peer Pressure
• Manage Conflict and Express Feelings Constructively
• Strengthen Family Bonds
• And More!

Here are some comments from parents who participated in our Fall 2024 classes:

“I think this class is incredibly relevant to all parents & should be mandatory for parents and kids alike. The dangers of addiction and alcoholism are so real, and so tragic. Talking about these things is the only way children will know what is right vs. wrong. I come from a family where ‘talking’ was not encouraged, and communication was ineffective. I am making sure to teach my kids about these dangers myself, which is so much more powerful than just learning about it from other peers. This class presented by professionals, coupled with discussions at home, should be a solid deterrent for kids presented with risky behaviors in social situations.”  

“Super helpful sessions, would recommend to parents of middle-school children.”

“I felt this class gave me a lot of ideas of how to approach different situations with my child and a lot of tools to work with my child on making good choices.”

HC DrugFree will again present this popular parenting class for Howard County parents, guardians, and grandparents. The curriculum is written for adults with children between 9-14, but we think it is worthwhile for families with children in K-12, so we will consider adults with older or younger children on a case by case basis. Register and we’ll contact you. Adult or child must be a Howard County resident. This program will meet via Zoom for 5 classes. Adults are encouraged to attend all 5 sessions.

Register and put your questions and comments on the registration so we can respond: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Spring2025GGC

For more information, email us!

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