Free Life Skills Classes | HC DrugFree

Free Life Skills Classes

More information about future Life Skills and other classes and events will be shared in our newsletter.

Quick Links:

  • Spring 2025 registration is CLOSED!

Sorry, registration is CLOSED.

Life Skills Training for Grades 6-9
(We will consider slightly younger students, especially if they are the sibling of an older participant. Students older than 9th grade may be given additional options to participate as a member of our team and earn Community Service Hours.)

The 8 FREE online sessions will be offered (all Mondays) February 24, March 3, 10, 17, 24, April 7, 28 and May 5 from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. on Zoom

Registration is CLOSED. HC DrugFree will provide another series of FUN and interactive skills-based classes designed to promote positive health and personal development. This curriculum was designed for students in grades 6 to 9, but for slightly younger or older students, we will consider each request. If parents/guardians have questions about the appropriateness for students, register the students and HC DrugFree’s team will contact you. We encourage siblings and friends to take these classes together.

Our instructional team consists of adults with years of experience in related fields and highly talented high school and college students. Your student will learn how to handle very real situations they may face in middle and high school, college, and beyond and have plenty of opportunities to ask questions. Younger students listen to trusted older students!

This program will use developmentally appropriate, collaborative learning strategies so students will learn skills that have been shown to help resist high-risk behaviors including substance use (vaping, alcohol and other drugs) and more.

The curriculum is designed to strengthen student abilities in the following areas:

  • Personal Self-Management Skills: Students develop skills that help them enhance self-esteem, develop problem-solving abilities, reduce stress and anxiety, and manage anger.
  • General Social Skills: Students gain skills to meet personal challenges such as overcoming shyness, communicating clearly, building relationships, and avoiding violence.
  • Drug Resistance Skills:  Students build effective defenses against pressures to use tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.
  • And more!!!

Life Skills classes will be conducted online via Zoom. We will show videos, play Kahoot games, and use other interactive technology.

The curriculum includes the following units:

  • • Self-Image & Self-Improvement
  • • Making Decisions
  • • Smoking: Myths, Realities & Biofeedback
  • • Alcohol: Myths & Realities
  • • Marijuana: Myths & Realities
  • • Advertising
  • • Violence and the Media
  • • Coping with Anxiety
  • • Communication Skills
  • • Social Skills
  • • Assertiveness
  • • Resolving Conflicts

Dates: February 24, March 3, 10, 17, 24, April 7, 28 and May 5

Times: 5:00 – 6:30 pm

Updates about this series, future Life Skills classes, and our other events will be shared in our newsletter.

Want to help with our Life Skills classes?

We are seeking College and High School students to help with our Life Skills classes. High school students may earn community service hours.

Classes provided by HC DrugFree with funding from the Howard County Health Department, the MD Department of Health, and SAMHSA.

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