This page contains important information about the dangers of students sharing medication.
You may already have big plans for your life, or you might not be sure “what you want to be when you grow up.” One thing is certain – decisions and actions today will guide and affect your tomorrow.
HC DrugFree knows that you face many pressures each day – pressures to excel in school, demands on your time from family, friends, and social media, just to name a few. At times you may feel that you can’t handle it all. Maybe you want to be sure to ace a test, do a great job on a project, practice your sport or instrument more – all at the same time. If only you could clone yourself! But since life isn’t a sci-fi movie, that’s not an option.
You may have heard a kid at school talk about taking a prescription medication to feel or do better. You figure because it is a prescription written by a doctor it must be safe…safe for you to take. WRONG! Not only isn’t it safe for you to take someone’s medication – it is illegal and can get you Benched for Life!
Because medications can affect individuals differently, taking someone else’s prescription can be dangerous to your health.
If you or someone you know is in need of immediate assistance with a personal, mental health, family, drug/alcohol, or shelter crisis call 2-1-1 press 1 (statewide), 410-531-6677, or 800-422-0009. Help is available 24-hours a day or go to the Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center for screening and referral assistance located at 8990 Old Annapolis Road (Suite A) in Columbia.
Message provided by HC DrugFree with funding from the Howard County Health Department, Maryland Department of Health, and SAMHSA.
Download the printable PDF of the “Benched” Campaign Posters.
Articles & Resources
Rise in Prescription Drug Misuse and Abuse Impacting Teens
MEDucation: Your Medicine. Their Drugs.
“Borrowing” Drugs Is Risky Business
Teens Sharing Drugs Can Be Convicted As “Drug Dealers”
Preventing Teen Prescription Misuse
Teen Prescription Drug Abuse a Major Health Concern
New Guidelines Cover Opioid Use After Children’s Surgery
Pain doesn’t take a holiday: Dental opioids study points to need for better prescribing
Tips for Teens: Prescription Stimulants
Prescription Stimulant Misuse and Prevention Among Youth and Young Adults
For Help
In case of an emergency, dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency department.
- Emergencies – 911
- Alcoholics Anonymous – 410-663-1922
- Al-Anon & Alateen – 410-832-7094
- Drug Activity Tip Line (Police) – 410-290-3784
- Families Anonymous – 800-736-9805
- Grassroots Crisis Intervention – 410-531-6677
- Howard County General Hospital – 410-740-7890
- Howard County Health Department – 410-313-6300
- Howard County Police Department – 410-313-3200
- MD Poison Center – 800-222-1222
- MD Youth Crisis Hotline – 800-422-0009
- Nar-Anon – 800-477-6291
- Narcotics Anonymous – 800-317-3222
- Party Buster Hotline – 410-313-2284
- Suicide Hotline – 800-784-2433
- Suicide Prevention Lifeline – 800-273-TALK
- The Serenity Center – 410-884-6088