TAC Grad Says Experience Fostered Leadership & Professional Skills | HC DrugFree

TAC Grad Says Experience Fostered Leadership & Professional Skills

Submitted by Howard County college student (former TAC member):

In high school I was looking for ways to get involved with community groups for service hours and to make friends. I naturally found the Teen Advisory Council (TAC) when looking for programs that fit. The TAC was helpful because I felt like I was part of the team and making a positive impact. The group conversions also allowed me to come out of my shell and made me more comfortable with sharing my ideas. Once in college, I found an excellent opportunity to return to the program for an internship. One of my jobs for the internship was teaching the HC DrugFree Life Skills classes. This showcases my abilities with taking leadership positions and my teamwork/communication skills. These are things I wanted to emphasize with the internship experience. The Life Skills class specifically made me feel like I was having a positive impact with others in the Howard County community. I especially enjoyed the variety of topics covered by the Life Skills Classes as students got to learn everything from drug awareness to communication. Overall, the program has been a huge help for me and allowed me to develop my skills and abilities. The more involved I get with HC DrugFree the more I feel like I’m improving as a professional and as a person. 

Click here to learn more about the Teen Advisory Council and register!

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