Teens or Younger May Want to Read Sunny’s Story | HC DrugFree

Teens or Younger May Want to Read Sunny’s Story

In a recent newsletter, HC DrugFree suggested to our followers that you may want to read Sunny’s Story  We asked 2 Howard County Public School students entering 9th and 11th grade as well as adults to read Sunny’s Story and share their thoughts with you:

9th grader: Sunny’s Story is about a dog, Sunny, who was adopted by an innocent, smart and happy little boy named Ian. As Ian grew older, he started becoming more distant and started smoking and drinking and doing drugs. The drugs made him depressed and when he went to college he started doing worse drugs and he needed help. He couldn’t take the withdrawal symptoms and did his last drugs and died of an overdose. His parents realized that they needed to speak out and make sure that kids can talk about their drug use in order to help the families in similar situations.

11th grader:  I found the book very interesting and able to grab my attention because of the unique perspective in which it was written. Since it was so short, I was able to read it in one sitting which helped me to go straight through and made it a bit more emotional. The fact that this was a true story made it even more touching and impactful because it shows that it can really happen to anyone, and these stories aren’t so far off, but are happening to all different types of people. I highly recommend this book to all ages and think it could be both beneficial and impactful to a broad range of people.

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