Senior Week: 10 Tips Created by HCPSS Graduates Class of 2019

1. Have an idea of what snacks and meals to bring so you have enough food. Also, stay hydrated.

2. Wear sunscreen everyday and reapply often.

3. Check in frequently with someone at home so they know you are okay.

4. Use the buddy system. Do not go anywhere alone, especially at night.

5. If you are uncomfortable with something, do not do it. The number one priority is to stay safe while you are there.

6. Dance clubs for people 21 and under are crowded and dirty. They are not very safe places to go during Senior Week.

7. Plan some things to do during the day like paddle boarding and mini golfing. Also, bring games to play at your hotel or condo at night.

8. Be aware of your surroundings. People at Senior Week can be intoxicated and make careless decisions.

9. Be thoughtful of what you post on social media accounts. Would you want a parent or future employer to see your pictures?

10. Consider planning a separate beach trip or getaway with your friends to avoid any concerns with Senior Week.

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